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  1. Open the sendance‑cloud in a supported browser (see System requirements).
  2. Log in with the user name and password provided.
  3. Ensure that Bluetooth is activated.
  4. Ensure the insole is switched on (blue LED light is blinking, see Control elements electronics).
  5. Make sure that the insole is not loaded.
  6. Click the Connect button for the respective sole (left or right).

    Connect buttons

  7. Select the insole to be connected and click on "Pair".

    Pairing window

  8. If Bluetooth authentication is required: Enter passkey (PIN) "010101". This step can be omitted if the insole has already been paired once before.

    PIN window

  9. The Bluetooth connection is established. If the connection is successful, the Connect button changes its status to Disconnect button. The insole can now be loaded and the transmitted sensor values are displayed in the different views.

  10. To connect another insole, repeat steps 4 to 9.